
Posts Tagged ‘process’


I’ve been sewing long enough that I don’t really think much about the actual mechanics of  line up the fabric – lower the pressure foot – back stitch etc. Until I look down and think “huh”

sewing hst quilt blocks

There’s something strange about discovering something that you yourself have been doing – like the fact that I never realized I line up my HST blocks on the opposite side of my presser foot from every other seam I sew.  Anyone else ever have these moments? Or is it just me?

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I don’t usually go through quite this much “process” before I start sewing, but since I did, I thought I’d share the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat… or something less melodramatic.

I had an idea, the other day – you can make spirals more or less the same way as a log cabin block.  And, I think “spiral” is my favorite shape. So I started sketching, and then (unusual for me – but useful in this instance) moved to the drawing program on my computer, and I got this far (there ae a bunch of un-colored in spirals that are hard to see):

modern quilt design - log cabin spirals

And I looked at it, and I loved it, and I wanted it, and I started imagining it on my bed. I even have a stack of fabric that’s been sitting, waiting for just the right project. Love!

And then I looked at it again, and cursed. Quilters, notice how nicely my curlicue’s fit together in a lovely organic, non-linear arrangement then, notice how my beloved design contains about a million and two inset seams, and no clear way to assemble the blocks. Drat!

*sigh* back to the drawing board, err, program. A snow-day later, and much adjusting of block placement and sewing line drawing , I’ve got a design that I can actually sew, if not the neatest mock-up:

quilt design - log cabin spirals layout

Not sew in a neat grid, mind you, but I did figure out a way to split it into manageable sections with reasonable seams. (the blue boxes) Victory!

And started cutting:


(please ignore the somewhat strange lighting: winter light + red room = weird photos)

I’ll show you more once I have some actual blocks to share: I can’t wait to see them myself.

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