
Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

One of my (many, many) ideas I considered for my month of my bee was to make square in square blocks, destined for some sort of floating non-grid layout like Ashley’s (Film in the Fridge) Greenfield Hill Quilt I ended up going in a different direction for the bee – but here are some of the quilts I looked to for inspiration.

1. denyse schmidt greenfield hill quilt top, 2. animal sherbet squares quilt, 3. Squares Front, 4. Pink and Brown square quilt, 5. { bento box quilt }, 6. strawberries & champagne baby quilt, 7. Pretty square quilt, 8. Lemon Squares Front, 9. Red and Aqua Square in a Square Quilt, 10. Georgia’s Quilt, 11. Hadley’s Quilt Front, 12. hip to be square 3, 13. what a bunch of squares14. Not available15. Not available16. Not available



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Starry, starry night…

I’m toying with ideas for my month in my bee, and I — of course — have too many ideas. One of them involves stars, so I went trolling through flickr. I’m not sure why I thought this would help me narrow down my choices – but, at least I decided to share some of the beautiful stars I found with all of you:

1. DQS #9 – Front, 2. Curly Boy’s Roundabout – 4 blocks, 3. dqs7 received, 4. Purple Passion Star quilt, 5. Kitty stars baby quilt, 6. Mini Lone Star, 7. mini three: ice star, 8. Fab 12 Stars, 9. Eight Pointed Star Quilt, 10. Amy’s Wonky Star Block, 11. Friendship Star – PTS4, 12. 60 BoS {15.60}

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 I don’t buy charm packs – or layercakes, jelly rolls, fat quarter bundles or whatever precut configuration they’ve come up with now. I know I’m the odd ball on this, but I like to put my money just into the fabrics that I really like from a line. But, I made an exception for Dream On and bought charm packs. They’ve been sitting on my shelf, cheery and bright, waiting.

1. Juicy quilt, 2. Nicey Jane Charm Quilt: Front, 3. Moda Hunky Dory charm pack quilt using disappearing 9 patch quilt blocks, 4. P1040581, 5. Doll Quilt Swap 5 ready to go!, 6. Game Day Quilt, 7. Mini Quilt!, 8. A sweet little quilt, 9. Chocolate Momo quilt

I’ve decided to use them to make a quilt for myself – something fun and bright. But, now I  need to decide what to do with them.  I want something simple, and easy: this is not the fabric for fussy, fidgetty piecing. I think HST’s are about as complicated as I’m interested in.  

1. Spring, 2. Quilt for Baby Elise, 3. Audrey’s Quilt, 4. For my sister-in-law, 5. 18th June, 2010, 6. or this one?, 7. Braylin’s quilt, 8. Larger DQS Inspired Quilt 1, 9. swell zig zag quilt

I’ve got two charm packs, a little bit of yardage, and probably lots of white kona. So, I went searching through flickr for charm square patterns: and found lots of inspiration. Now I’m deciding between so many options: a nice problem to have.  :)

But, I’m open to more: do you have a favorite charm-friendly pattern?

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Square in Square

I’ve been pulling out piles of fabric, thinking about quilt tops I could make. But I don’t have a clear inspiration, so I’m looking through my flickr favorites and delicious bookmarks.

mosaic on modern patchwork quilt photos - square in square patterns

1. WIPs-2, 2. Colored Planet Baby quilt, 3. trenton’s quilt, 4. Rectangles & Gray Lap Quilt, 5. modern munki munki martian quilt, 6. orange and olive quilt top


I think I’ve settled on a square in square pattern, and, thought I’d share some of the  inspiration with all of you.

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